Reflections and Testimony
Americans in Seoul: Mrs. Selle, Ms. Du Plain, and Mrs. Bulow
No one could have predicted what was about to occur at this most recent ILC conference and in related events in Korea on the occasion of the First Anniversary of Father Moon's Ascension, which our small WFWP U.S. team was able to participate in.
It was truly an international gathering extraordinaire and unprecedented! Speakers, participants, and longtime leaders and members of the Unification movement came together to testify about True Father and commemorate his life, his teachings, his legacy, and the global impact he has had on history and still has on thousands of people. The conference also highlighted in an unprecedented way the role and work of Mother Moon, as Father's lifelong, loyal, and sacrificial partner for 52 years, without whom he would not have been able to accomplish the nearly impossible.
Why was this conference unprecedented and extraordinary? For several reasons: For one, there was a wonderful collaboration between UPF, WFWP, and FFWPU that brought forth a new type of balance. In the words of one participant, there was a "sweetness" to the conference.
Another point was the fact that the teaching itself, the Divine Principle, was shared directly with all participants, members and non-members alike. So was the purpose and meaning of the Holy Blessing of Marriage. The many projects of all the providential organizations were explained, bringing home the fact that there is an overall vision and commission, a common root with different branches, but all with the same goal: making real God's dream of one global family, a world of peace.
A third point was that women and WFWP International were featured more in depth and given the opportunity to "show and tell" the amazing work of women over the last 20 years, which was a surprise to many. Several men in the audience later expressed their amazement over and respect for WFWP and its substantial accomplishments over the last two decades.
Fourth, the audience was exposed to a variety of deep and stirring personal testimonies from many long-term friends of the Unification movement. They spoke of how Father Moon's life and teaching impacted theirs. Some of them were rather spiritual in nature, such as one by the Hon. Georgina de Venecia, a member of the Philippine House of Representatives, and her husband Hon. Jose de Venecia, former speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives, who lost their daughter in a house fire. She said, "That tragedy shattered my soul, I actually wanted to die." After learning from a Unificationist elder that their daughter is alive and well in the spiritual worldthey were able to understand one of Father and Mother Moon's most profound teachings, that death does not end a loving relationship. She was able to let her daughter go from her grieving heart. She said, "I began to dream again."
We felt so much the presence of Father Moon in everything, as if he was personally conducting the conference and interested in every detail testifying to the liberation of God's suffering heart through his life and teachings. It was truly astonishing.
On the morning of the opening session, Rev. Kwon Jin Moon delivered the Founder's Keynote Address on behalf of True Mother with such passion and emotion, strength and conviction, holding back tears throughout his delivery. It was just riveting! He received a standing ovation, as he also shared a few words from his heart. He reflected on his late older brother, Hyo Jin Moon, whom he admired for his loyalty toward his father and his understanding of the burden of leadership their father and now the children and ourselves must choose to shoulder.
He said that this is a new age we live in, one which is not about positions. What we need to do now, he said, is to change our mindset from that of a believer to a true son and daughter, who can shed a tear for every living being and for the world, as his Father did. "It is wonderful," he said, "that we are now the people who can do that." He ended by quoting from memory a lengthy portion of the famous St. Crispin's Day Speech from Shakespeare's Henry V, explaining that great people are those who give up their titles and move on to a higher level of a true son and daughter, uplift the people they look after, to become true sons and daughters and true brothers and sisters, so that all can bring about an era of peace.
It was a stirring, electrifying and moving speech. Kwon Jin Moon, the fourth son of Father and Mother Moon, skillfully conveyed every nuance of emotion, as he described his own father, his life for God and humanity and his sacrificial life course.
What moved me personally were the profound prayers, heartfelt messages from faith leaders, government officials -- men and women alike. It felt balanced and complete.
Many of the participants who have known our movement through one of the organizations expressed that for the first time they "got it." That is, they saw the whole picture, how the philosophy of peace is translated into action through each and every one of the organizations and projects that were introduced and presented.
All was leading up to the highlight, the actual Day of Commemoration of True Father's ascension, which was held in the Cheong Shim Peace World Stadium in Cheong Pyeong. Many expected a rather somber experience, but the opposite was true. The memories, evoked by high-tech media footage of True Father's life, as well as that of True Mother, brought tears to our eyes, as we could feel the depth of their love and heart (Shimjung) for all of us. "For me personally", delete this phrase, repetitive. The experience was so strong. There was an inner presence of True Father in me, which I had never felt before.
After all the official ceremonies, dramatic videos of Father's life, and many moving speakers, Mother Moon addressed the gathering of 25,000. "As we watch these videos of my late husband," she said, "we are moved in our hearts. It truly brings us together all around the world. Today we truly have become ONE." And we could feel it indeed.
All of the conference participants were invited to join Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for a commemorative luncheon, where more beautiful testimonies were shared, as well asentertainment by the group La Strada. Especially, Dr. Sreerupa Chaudhury of India expressed her heartfelt thanks and admiration for Father Moon. She asked the question: "What has Rev. Moon given to the world?" And she answered her question, saying, "He gave one thing: To correct fallen nature in humans. He addressed the disease of our minds, not as a social worker, but he gave a pure human mind to all of us. I am very proud of all followers of Sun Myung Moon!"
She continued, "I have seen many peacemakers who have been discarded by people, such as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and also Rev. Moon."
Mrs. Chaudhury ended by saying, "I am with you, Mother Moon, in your hardship, and I share your grief with you. I will always be available."
The day and the ILC ended with a wonderful farewell dinner banquet on a high note of joy, fulfillment, and new determination by all present to support Mother Moon to complete the legacy of Rev. Moon in building a peaceful world.
Bike Tour for the Reconciliation of North and South Korea
Mother Moon was very inspired by an initiative of a group of Japanese men who began a bike tour of 3,800 kilometers throughout Japan and part of Korea to promote the reunification of Korea, and who had arrived in Seoul for the occasion of the First Anniversary of Rev. Moon's Ascension. Seventy international leaders of the Unification Movement were invited to join in the bike tour's final stretch leading up to the Peace Park directly adjacent to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
Our WFWP U.S. trio -- Kaye Allen, Nancy Bulow and myself -- ventured to participate in this final moment together with the others. We received our bike gear and, together with representatives of many different nations, began circling the Imjingak Peace Park a few times before entering the "arena" amid great applause, tears, and shouts of joy from the Korean people, who could feel the love and support from around the world through the Unification Movement. The rally included speakers, such as Dr. Yang and several Korean officials, who inspired the crowd to believe that unification will indeed happen.
Unbeknownst to the public, Father Moon had been instrumental in bringing down the Berlin Wall, which was explained by Dr. Yang, as he shared words of hope and conviction that surely with this kind of sustained effort and prayer, North and South Korea shall unite in the not so distant future.
After a beautiful performance by the Little Angels, live doves were released and flew freely over the audience and across the border, symbolizing true peace and the end of the separation between North and South.
It was a privilege to be a part of this worthy effort as we in WFWP continue to support our North Korean brothers and sisters with the 1% Love Sharing Project which donates funds for humanitarian supplies to women and children across the border, a program initiated by the President of WFWP International, Lan Young Moon.
The day continued with an international Unification Movement leaders meeting during which each continent laid out their goals and determinations for Vision 2020. If this first anniversary celebration and events is any indication of what will happen in these next seven years, the power of love that manifested and was felt, the awakening and realizations of so many as to who Father and Mother Moon are, etc., we can expect some extraordinary changes for the better to happen around the globe.
It all depends on our continued and consistent efforts to inherit the True Parents' heart and teaching, to practice it, and to "show and tell" what they had invested into all of us.
As one person said, "We can see the fruit of Father and Mother Moon's work in their followers, whom we admire and are proud of!"