WFWP participates in the conclusion of a 3,800-kilometer bicycle tour for peaceful North-South Korean reunification.
Mother Moon was very inspired by the initiative of a group of Japanese men who began a bike tour of 3,800 kilometers through Japan and the length of South Korea to promote the reunification of Korea. They had arrived in Seoul for the occasion of the First Anniversary of Rev. Moon's Ascension. Seventy international leaders of the Unification Movement were invited to join in the bike tour's final stretch leading up to the Peace Park directly adjacent to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
Our WFWP U.S. trio -- Kaye Allen, Nancy Bulow, and I -- ventured to participate in this final moment together with the others. We received our bike gear and, together with representatives of many different nations, began circling the Imjingak Peace Park a few times before entering the "arena" amid great applause, tears, and shouts of joy from the Korean people, who could feel the love and support from around the world through the Unification Movement. The rally included speakers, such as Dr. Chang Shik Yang and several Korean officials, who inspired the crowd to believe that unification will indeed happen.
Unbeknownst to the public, Father Moon had been instrumental in bringing down the Berlin Wall, which was explained by Dr. Yang, as he shared words of hope and conviction that surely, with this kind of sustained effort and prayer, North and South Korea shall unite in the not so distant future.
After a beautiful performance by the Little Angels, live doves were released and flew freely over the audience and across the border, symbolizing true peace and the end of the separation between North and South.
It was a privilege to be a part of this worthy effort as we in WFWP continue to support our North Korean brothers and sisters with the 1% Love Share Project which donates funds for humanitarian supplies to women and children across the border, a program initiated by the President of WFWP International, Dr. Lan Young Moon.
The day continued with an international Unification Movement leaders meeting during which each continent laid out their goals and determinations for Vision 2020. If this first anniversary celebration and events are an indication of what will happen in these next seven years, the power of love that manifested and was felt, the awakening and realizations of so many people as to who Father and Mother Moon are, we can expect some extraordinary changes for the better to happen around the globe.
It all depends on our continued and consistent efforts to inherit the Father and Mother Moon's heart and teachings, to practice them, and to "show and tell" what they have invested in all of us.
As one person said, "We can see the fruit of Father and Mother Moon's work in their followers, whom we admire and are proud of!"