Dear friends and supporters of WFWP USA,
Did you see the clock for 2018 in our first Logic of Love News issue?
This year has barely begun, yet we've already experienced much excitement and new developments through our chairwomen and chapters in the field -- and also through our Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
Dr. Moon initiated a historic Africa Summit, held in Dakar, Senegal, on January 18 to promote peace on this historically troubled but beautiful continent. She was welcomed wholeheartedly by 1,200 leaders from the entire continent -- chiefs, parliamentarians, interfaith leaders, and women leaders. What moved everyone the most was Dr. Moon's visit to Goree Island, the Senegal site that was one of the centers of the African slave trade. She wanted to visit there to pray and to bring hope and love to this place of pain. In honor of her lifelong peace leadership, she was presented with a special plaque which was embedded in a monument at Goree Island next to the ones honoring Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, and former U.S. President Obama.
In her keynote address at the summit, Dr. Moon said: “I love Africa. I pray that Africa will become a new heavenly Africa that attends Heavenly Parent. I hope to give as much love to Africa as I can. Today, with the heart of a true parent, I have come to eradicate Africa’s pain. Today, when we look at the pollution and destruction caused by people’s ignorance, we feel there is no hope for the future of humankind. That is why I want Africa to return to the healthy state it had been at the time that God created it.”
Dr. Moon speaking at the 2018 Africa Summit
We are inspired by her example of boldly stepping out with love and heart, reaching out to one of the world's most painful places and bringing a message of hope and peace, with a motherly heart, encouraging reconciliation and new beginnings. We applaud Dr. Moon for that and feel that WFWP USA is very much in line with that theme of reconciliation, healing, and new beginnings in this new year 2018.
I invite you to collaborate with us in creating bridges and being a bridge for peace in 2018! For those who haven't made their New Year's resolutions yet, it's not too late: there is also the Chinese New Year coming up on February 27!
May we all fly on wings of forgiveness and love in 2018!