Group photo of the participants of the Global Women's Peace Network event in Washington DC
The guests were welcomed with a delicious breakfast at the "Peace Embassy" on Upshur Street in Washington, D.C. on February 9. Nearly 40 concerned women and staff attended, including several supportive men.
Mrs. Tomiko Duggan, Vice Chairwoman for Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) and Director of the International D.C. Office of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), welcomed the guests and gave an explanation of the need for such an organization as the Global Women's Peace Network, which is a project of WFWP, with UPF lending its active support.
The purpose of the GWPN is to create a network of women who work together across barriers and territorial lines and, by pooling their expertise, to help relieve the suffering of humankind. With high morals and universal principles of service and a mother's heart of love for others, GWPN can bring like-minded women together to fulfill the unfinished work of the United Nations.
Mrs. Duggan introduced Mrs. Angelika Selle, President of Women's Federation of World Peace, USA and the Chairwoman for the GWPN in the U.S. Mrs. Selle gave a truly inspiring PowerPoint presentation on "HerStory", showing historical insights into the need for a women's era. She highlighted the necessity for women's increased leadership at all levels of society to resolve the problems plaguing the people of the world, and to finally establish lasting peace in the human family. One poignant image was the founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, herself from Korea, tenderly holding the hand of a small African child. A mother's heart can transcend all obstacles to give healing love. Mrs. Selle's husband, Bob, and their daughter, Tanya, a University of Maryland student, attended the program, a reminder that when family members choose to work together, miracles can occur.
After the presentation, each participant was given an opportunity to introduce herself and speak on the issues and or the projects closest to her heart. That gave all of us an opportunity to get to know each other and to establish closer ties for future activities within the GWPN.