What kind of leaders are needed in the world today? At WFWP, we believe it’s leaders of the heart – meaning leaders who live by and operate from core values, have a strong relationship with the Creater or a Higher Consciousness, and exemplify both feminine and masculine qualities of leadership.
What exactly does it take to be a leader of the heart? On a sunny afternoon on March 23, 2019, a group of 43 men and women gathered in Washington, D.C., for “Discover the Leader Within,” part 1 of the Leadership of the Heart Seminar three-part series, focusing on spirituality and self-value. They discovered that leading from the heart truly starts from deep within ourselves and that it is a nonstop journey of healing, growth, and discovery.
The intergenerational presenters gave rich insights on exactly these topics. The solid teamwork of the emcee, the D.C./Maryland/Virginia Chairwomen, speakers, and volunteers built a beautiful atmosphere for deep learning and transformation to ensue.
The seminar opened with a thought-provoking icebreaker: “If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?” Excellent discussions and suggestions came to light – some of which were to create an interfaith academy, promote mental health and inner peace education, teach family education, end wars, etc. These ideas, and more, opened up our minds to think creatively about what we can do to bring about more peace, and moreover to use our passions, interests, and higher callings to do so in our own unique ways.
The spirit in the room grew deeper as Elizabeth Aihe, WFWP D.C. Chairwoman, recited her poem, “What a Blessing It Is to Be a Woman,” in light of it being International Women’s Month (read poem here). In that moment, surely every woman in the room felt both the gravity and the blessing of being a woman.
Breakout session with Anne Contee
After a brief introductory video on the core purpose and mission of WFWP USA, Zena Ruf, WFWP Virginia Chairwoman, gave a wonderful overview of what is meant by “Leadership of the Heart.” She explained the importance of feminine and masculine leadership qualities, and that leaders of the heart will have a combination of both types of leadership, as that is the most balanced way to deal with people, solve problems, and create a peaceful environment.
The main portion then began, with the first session on Spirituality, presented by Natascha Phillips, WFWP USA Newsletter Editor. She spoke about what it means to be a peace leader, and how it begins with the relationship with our innate Divine-ness and with our Creator. Mrs. Phillips urged us to discover our gifts, talents, and passions – the very hints of God’s own personality shining through us. We could get a real glimpse of our true selves and our God-given gifts through journaling and a stirring meditation, going deep within ourselves. We rounded out the session with writing a letter to God or our Higher Self.
The next session, on Self-Value, was presented by Tanya Chandler, WFWP Maryland Chairwoman. She spoke about how being a leader of the heart requires that we know who we are and what our value is. We need to connect with God, our Creator, and with ourselves in a healthy, empowering way. Leading with heart also means to embrace our unique divine self and act from that higher place or consciousness. But within that process is the need to heal our inner child (the pure child who knows she or he is loved and valued). Through a guided meditation to discover that eternally loved child – and through journaling exercises, discussions, affirmations, and power poses – this session was indeed revealing, healing, and empowering.
Elizabeth Aihe
To enhance the seminar’s topics, two breakout session presenters shared health and overall wellness advice and tools for participants to take home and practice continuous self-care and self-love. The first presenter, Kyoho Jones, a licensed massage therapist, led the group in creating strong affirmations and gave practical mental and physical health tips. The second presenter, Anne Contee, Safe Conversations certified, offered her group a brief Safe Conversations education overview and relationship guidance. Both presenters’ content was so enriching that there were multiple requests for a follow-up self-care session with just them – which has now been scheduled for April 30th!
To round out the day, Jane Karimi, WFWP D.C. Membership Coordinator, gave a short presentation on the Schools of Africa Project that WFWP USA is helping to support in eight African countries. Accordingly, a total of $560 was collected in donations from participants, approximately $220 of which will be donated to the Schools of Africa Project. Also, Caroline Betancourt donated some beautiful paintings to WFWP, the proceeds of which were donated entirely to the Schools of Africa.
The program concluded with a toast to peace and happiness. Participants lingered and continued to network after having experienced a transformative afternoon together. Check out their feedback below:
Melissa Manor, Youth Pastor, New Hope Family Church, Maryland:
This seminar helped me to connect with my inner heart. In the busyness of daily life, it’s difficult to find time to really care for yourself and reconnect with your heart. As a leader, this seminar gave me an opportunity and many ideas on things that I can do to reconnect with my heart and to be a healthier individual. By doing these things, I realized that it is not selfish but rather necessary to be the best person I can be for others and for God. I’m so grateful I chose to attend!
Li Ping Gardiner, WFWP Member
The WFWP Leadership of the Heart Seminar really helped me to understand my self-worth. This is not my first time attending this seminar, but I learned something new and the unexpected content really blew me away. Just by listening to the speakers and the sharing from those loving ladies, I definitely walked away with empowering thoughts and new insights!