The Pennsylvania Chapter of WFWP along with business leaders, associates, and affiliated members of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Representative Margo Davidson assisted in an event hosted by Representative Davidson designed to strengthen our awareness of ways to combat the very serious issue of human trafficking in Pennsylvania. The seminar is being held semi-annually, and is a collaborative effort with organizations engaged in combatting human trafficking.
Over 50 people attended the open public forum in the Yeadon borough hall on November 12. District Attorney Jack Whelan along with the dynamic presenter and trafficking prevention specialist Mathew Grace, representing the Holcomb Behavioral Health System gave very helpful tips in protecting ourselves, our friends and our communities, how we can prevent human trafficking and prevent it from spreading.
Presentation from the FBI
Among the panelists were lawyers, FBI agents, experts in mental and behavioral health, representatives of PRO ACT (Pennsylvania Recovery Organization - Achieving Community Together), and members of the police department that are assigned to this field.
The FBI agents told stories of real-life crimes, and showed a video of unmasking pimps, and drug dealers. They showed real life scenes of unveiling the faces of those who were caught in the act and how it was done.
The police special task force members presented a student level training designed to help to identify victims of human trafficking. My son was especially inspired by learning about this technique to save someone who doesn't want to be identified as a human trafficking victim.
Representative Margo Davidson speaking
It was a great opportunity to become educated and to become equipped with knowledge about human trafficking. It is a real life situation that is affecting many people around the world. There is a rising tide of human trafficking and social problems like drug addiction that can destroy our communities and can critically affect the safety of our families and our counties. The program helped everyone who attended become more aware of our surroundings, and discover some steps to take to see warning signs, so we can keep our communities safe.
Matthew Grace Presenting
Representative Davidson and Mrs. Jizly Dohou