Group photo
On July 26, WFWP USA Vice President Juanita Pierre-Louis came to Pennsylvania to speak at our monthly Women's Circle. The theme this time was "Celebrating Marriage and Life." Sixteen departmental leaders came to the Enon Chapel Church. Bishop Ricky Sutton and his wife welcomed WFWP to their place of worship and joined our Circle. The program was hosted by WFWP Pennsylvania Chairwoman Mrs. Jizly Dohou.
Ms. Sybil Bell Reading the Recognition of Apology
Mrs. Pierre-Louis gave an outstanding PowerPoint presentation entitled, "The Principles of Marriage and Life." She explained that the very cornerstone of a successful marriage is the teamwork between husband and wife.
Rev. Dr. Almeda Johnson also gave an inspiring speech about women's role as an equal counterpart of men. She cited so many examples of gender equality based on the Bible, as compared to the reality in society today. This monthly gathering creates a sequence of ideas that helps WFWP to keep on rolling actively the year round.
Another part of that day's program was to launch the petition campaign to collect signatures to be sent to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon apologizing for the unjust incarceration in 1984 and 1985 of her husband and co-founder of WFWP, the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The reading of the wording of the apology was led by Ms. Sybil Bell, a Democratic Party community leader, who was inspired to sign up and become more involved in WFWP.