The 18th Global Women's Peace Network and the Middle East Peace Initiative Conferences held in Jerusalem, Israel, and Amman, Jordan, were very successfully attended. In my estimation, this experience was the greatest testament to the progress of the on-going peace process initiated in the Middle East by the founders of WFWP 22 years ago.
Listening to Rev. Betty's story
My main responsibility on this trip was to care for five wonderful ladies. One lady in particular, Rev. Betty Tatalajski, has attended every single conference since they began. She attested to the magnificent spiritual significance of these pilgrimages as a long-term investment for peace in the Middle East.
She was a witness to the turmoil of the first conference, as rockets exploded right next door to the historic Dan Hotel in Jerusalem, which has been the host hotel for the past 22 years. She said, "The hotel was empty, but we still stayed there." She continued, "We did nothing but pray. We went to different places in the city and we prayed." She added, "I have to continue attending these conferences to secure a place for God and eventually a great peace."
This vital spiritual significance and great foundation of faith, is now tangible in the air of the city. The peace progress is becoming more visible. As many more Middle Eastern women have begun to engage and actively participate with others from other religious and cultural backgrounds in profound and constructive dialogue for peace and understanding, the foundation of prayer and dialogue established by the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon becomes more visible.
Israel group
Deep wounds still cause so much pain among all the factions involved and need profound healing. However, the important thing is that they are engaging in productive dialogue, something they had never done before, but there is that spiritual reality of the strong foundation of faith and universal love that has expanded each year that people continue to pursue peace. All of the people I spoke to agree that these conversations would not have been possible had it not been for the great foundation established 22 years ago.
This ongoing process of building peace through understanding and dialogue is the greatest testament to faith: Faith in God, faith in oneself, faith in the future, and faith in the people who attend these conferences and are willing to take pro-active stands to reach peace for everyone. They know now that peace is indeed possible and they are willing to work for it both through listening to each other, repenting, forgiving, and working to make sure that such atrocities cannot continue.