Dances of Universal Peace
"I call on all warring parties to lay down their weapons and observe a global ceasefire. To them I say: stop the killings and the destruction, and create space for lasting peace."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 in the United Nations General Assembly and the first Peace Day was observed in September 1982. The 2015 theme is: “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All,” and the aim is to emphasize that all elements of societies on earth need to work together to pursue peace.
The WFWP Portland, Oregon Chapter's International Day of Peace event, which was part of the International Weekend of Peace from September 19 ~ 21, 2015, was a beautiful coming together of many groups and people dedicated to creating peace in our world. The keynote address was entitled "Seeking Peace," and was given by Pastor Eric Sylte of the Portland Family Peace Fellowship.
Portland Day of Peace
Following his presentation, local Moving Meditations leaders, Michael and Michelle, received Ambassadors for Peace Awards for promoting peace through their Dances of Universal Peace. Then participants joined together in a series of dances from various religious and native traditions. Finally, Gary Spanovich, Executive Director of the Wholistic Peace Institute, lead the group in a 15 minute meditation session focused on the still small voice.
Many groups and organizations worked together tirelessly to create and make this a great event: Portland Family Peace Fellowship, Women’s Federation for World Peace-Cascade Chapter, local leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, Wholistic Peace Institute, and who supplied guidance, flyer templates, and inspiration. Many individuals and volunteers came together in resonance with the determination to create a peaceful world for all.