Getting ready to work
I would like to start this article with a quote from Helen Keller. "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
Whatever we happen to experience, each day, it is an opportunity for growth. That being said, fear of the unknown can stop and hinder us from moving forward.
The reason I have been thinking about fear is that Patrick just had his IEP annual meeting which is something that I, quite honestly, had been dreading (an IEP (Individualized Education Program) is a written legal statement of the educational program designed to meet a child's individual needs; every child who receives special education services must have an IEP). I had reviewed his IEP, word for word, and was talking to my aunt, who is a retired teacher in this field. She told me, "Caryn, don't fret." Easier said than done, but this time I followed her advice. However, before she said that to me, I had been in quite a state about it. This was due to the fact that his teacher had not been able to give me the Draft of the IEP. By law, the parent should have the Draft of the IEP at least five days in advance.
Patrick working
Luckily, I had talked with his speech therapist who is amazing. She called me about a week before the IEP, and we discussed Patrick's speech goals. She told me that she loves the IEP meetings, because that is when she learns the most about the child. I was quite blown away by her comment; because for me, the IEP meetings have been a huge struggle. I really worked on changing my attitude for this IEP after speaking with her.
Interestingly enough, this IEP meeting was finished in record time, under two hours. In addition, it went very smoothly and there were no distractions. I felt as though it was due to the fact that I had changed my attitude about the meeting. I am very grateful that everything went so well, and I look forward to the next IEP meeting, without fear blocking me.