The San Francisco Bay Area chapter of WFWP has collaborated over the years with the United Nations Association to hold many events, including an annual Peace Forum. In May of this year, WFWP held its annual Benefit for the Schools of Africa on May 16th at a beautiful home in Oakland.
The emcee, Mrs. Patricia Fleischman, welcomed guests and introduced Mrs. Prabha Duneja, the local Chairwoman of the WFWP Schools of Africa Project. During her speech, Mrs. Duneja shared her experience of similar event meetings at the United Nations in New York, hosted by some of the Japanese WFWP members. Mrs. Duneja expressed her appreciation for the heart and dedication of the Japanese WFWP ladies, and how impressed she was with the wonderful results for all of the schools. President of the United Nations Association for the East Bay Chapter, Mr. Herb Berhstock, also gave his greetings and warm praise for the work of WFWP and the Schools of Africa project.
Veronica Ofoegbune, the main speaker
The afternoon also welcomed Mrs. Jeanetta Arenott, president of Inner Wheel, a local women’s service organization connected to the Rotary Club ( Participants listened attentively to Mrs. Arenott’s testimony of the Inner Wheel’s work to provide clothing and personal items for rape victims, as well as prosthetic limbs for handicapped children. As a demonstration of WFWP’s belief in partnerships for peace, WFWP makes a contribution to a local organization each year. This year the Inner Wheel has been chosen to receive a donation of 15% from the Schools of Africa benefit proceeds.
In her power point presentation, Patricia Fleischman inspired participants about the One Hope Garden School in Ethiopia. As a focus of the gathering, WFWP sought to raise funds for two school projects in Africa: a copy machine, TV, and textbooks for the One Hope Garden School; and twenty sets of desks and chairs for the Motoko Shiroma Kindergarten and Elementary School in Equatorial Guinea. Contributions are welcomed from the national membership through this link:
The program continued with a wonderful performance of African drumming by Pope Flyne, a talented musician, composer, and dance instructor from Ghana. He performed on several instruments including a “talking drum,” and had everyone clapping and tapping their feet in time.
The main guest speaker, Mr. Veronica Ufoegbune, an educator and community activist from Nigeria, shared her personal story of growing up in Nigeria and how she received a good education because of her parents’ effort to demonstrate giving to others, and not be afraid to reach out to help people in crisis. Her example was a profound testimony to the impact of education in the lives of the children in Africa.
Throughout the event, guests could visit the silent auction and enjoy wonderful refreshments, including a Japanese tea ceremony. At the end of the day a raffle drawing was held for an iPod Air and other smaller prizes. All in all, it was an exhilarating day: an opportunity to share with others less fortunate and at the same time to learn from others’ experiences.
Drummer from Ghana
Herb Berhstock, President of UNA USA East Bay Chapter
Japanese tea ceremony