Victorious heart of Bridge of Peace sisters
On April 28, 2013, WFWP New Jersey and Sadaqa, Inc. co-sponsored the 11th Annual Women's Interfaith Symposium in Paterson, New Jersey. Sadaqa is a non-profit community-based organization established in 1999 by the late Imam Ameer P. Salahuddin. Sadaqa means "voluntary charity." The group's goal is to extend that charity to those in need. Since its inception in 1999, members have established a Sadaqa Soup Kitchen, Scholarship Fund, After School Youth Programs, and a Resource Center.
The theme of the symposium was "Heart to Heart," and it was truly a gathering of heart. The event was coordinated by Mrs. Claire Haider, Interfaith Director of WFWP New Jersey, and has been seven years in the making.
Standing, left to right: Ms. Zakiyyah Salahuddin, Ms. Ruby Cotton, and Ms. Denneze Nelson
The content of the presentations was based on who each presenter is as a woman, and were made by women of various Muslim sects, by Christian ministers, by Jewish representatives, and by Unificationists of various ages. The presenters shared their very personal and moving journeys of faith. WFWP/FFWPU representative, Ms. Sandra Stott took the focus a bit higher and based her presentation on the words of WFWP co-founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and focused on how to build ideal families.
Then a Bridge of Peace Ceremony brought the afternoon to a moving and joyful climax. The stories about how the many sisters encountered each other were unimaginable. The experience proved to be very moving for the WFWP members present as well. Many ladies were struck by the differences among the diverse presenters and felt inspired to search their souls to find ways to establish stronger bonds with Sadaqa, Inc. and other communities of women.
According to Zakiyyah Salahuddin, wife of the late founder of Sadaqa, Inc., "The event was a success, as there were over 60 attendees. There were some who were a little skeptical when they arrived. But when they had the opportunity to listen to each other testify, I saw women shedding tears, and after we all embraced, had a beautiful dinner, they all left on a happy note. We held hands and prayed. At the end of the day, we were truly Women United Heart to Heart."