I don't know any woman who has honored, adored, and celebrated her husband after his passing more than our founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. And, I would say, she has rightfully done so. This year marked the seventh year in a row that Mother Moon organized a series of international events surrounding the anniversary of the death of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who also happens to be the co-founder of the Women's Federation for World Peace.
Divinely called and inspired during his 92 years of life, Father Moon initiated more than 40 peace organizations, projects, and initiatives. All these were based on the same vision and philosophy, namely, that peace starts from within the individual, from a relationship with the Creator, and a lifestyle of living for the sake of others -- and thence it expands to the family, nation, and world.
A taste of that can be gleaned from his autobiography "A Peace-Loving Global Citizen" (available on Amazon). In this book, he highlights not only his life and work but, most importantly, his heart and motivation behind them! And it has indeed been that heart, embodied in a lifestyle of selfless giving and unconditional true love, that has impacted millions of lives, and continues to do so to this day. In fact, it seems that, after Father Moon's passing, many of the eminent scholars, politicians, interfaith leaders, and scientists, even heads of state and other decision makers who met him during his lifetime, are only now beginning to realize the value of his message -- which is needed now more than ever.
The most remarkable point about his legacy, and for me the most attractive one, is that everything he did, he did together with the loving support and participation of his beloved wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, ever since they were married in 1960. One can truly say that both of them created this legacy together. And it is now Mother Moon who has stepped up and stepped forward to continue the work they began, refine it, and lay down tracks for its future.
Wonju McDevitt reading the loving letter that Mother Moon wrote to her husband
Their story is truly a Love Story to be told! And that became so overwhelmingly evident during this year's anniversary celebration, where 30,000 people gathered in the Cheongshim Peace World Stadium north of Seoul, Korea. Through creative art, poetry, dance, and ample video footage of their ministry, and through a stirring speech by their daughter, Sun Jin Moon, the audience experienced Father and Mother Moon's heart for God and humanity as well as their suffering and sacrifice and how much they impacted millions upon millions of people.
Several letters were read at the main event, one from Mrs. Wonju McDevitt, who has been working with Father and Mother Moon for decades, one from the Moons' grandson, and others, but most of all one from Mother Moon herself, who shared a personal letter she wrote to her husband for the occasion. Below are just a few excerpts from this letter, which moved many to tears, and which shows her heart of utter devotion and dedication to God, to world peace, and to her husband.
Mother Moon is now preparing for an unprecedented centennial commemorating Father Moon's 100th birthday in February 2020, which will also be her 77th birthday, as they were born on the same day, yet more than two decades apart. Stay tuned for more information about that, as Women's Federation for World Peace will also be a co-sponsor of the events.
We are grateful to have met and/or known Father Moon, and so very grateful that his wife, Mother Moon, who is now known as the Mother of Peace, is still standing firm at the helm of this huge peace effort and movement that starts with you and me and will hopefully blossom more fully in the next generation and generations to come.
Mother Moon with two of her grandsons
Excerpts from Mother Moon’s letter:
August 17, 2019
Beloved Father! How we miss you! Father, you are always with us! Seven years have already passed since your Holy Ascension to the heavenly realms. There is no place in Heaven or on Earth untouched by your sweat and tears. On this day, we particularly long for you.
Father, one year before your Ascension, even though you were more than 90 years of age, you visited the United States eight times. Refusing to care for your health, you invested yourself completely for the sake of the world and for humanity. What you had said, “Once we finish this task and there is little else to do, let us take a short break,” never came true on earth in the end. Father, you worked day and night, and since I lived my life in attendance to you, I did not sleep more than three hours a night throughout my life.
Father, following your Holy Ascension, I came to Bonhyangwon (Korean word for gravesite) at dawn every day. There were countless justifications or reasons why I might have rested and not visited you; but whether it snowed abundantly in the winter or rained torrentially in the fall, I came to Bonhyangwon each day in those early morning hours. For 40 days after you ascended, I prepared breakfast and dinner for you. When I missed you, on numerous occasions, I came to Bonhyangwon and talked with you. Through those conversations, your thoughts became my thoughts and my thoughts became yours.
....{.Continuing the work and legacy]
East to west, south to north, I ran with all my might, seeking to embrace the world. (Mother Moon has held countless Peace Starts With Me Rallies around the globe and in each continent.) My mouth was sore, my legs were swollen…. I could barely stand, yet I could not rest. This was because, however difficult realizing the will may be, I had to keep the promise I had made to you that I would conclude everything within my lifetime. I lived each day reaffirming my resolve that I would “fulfill this without fail” and that “to do so, I shall not change.” Every time I desperately missed you, I looked to the moon for companionship and spoke with it, reminding myself of the promise I had made to you as I stood before your holy body, “I will firmly establish Cheon Il Guk (the World of Peace) by the time I ascend.” Living this way, seven years have already passed since your Holy Ascension.
I pray that your gift, your life of Hyojeong (Korean word for Filial Heart or devotional heart) for Heavenly Parent (our Creator) will radiate rays of hope throughout the world.
Father, I love you.
Sun Jin Moon