WFWP USA President Angelika Selle with WFWP International President Yeon Ah Moon
At the occasion of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's, our Founder's, visit here on the East Coast at the beginning of June, our international President Yeon Ah Moon who had accompanied her, took the opportunity to meet with a small group of WFWP leaders and members for a heart to heart meeting. The small group of ladies was comprised of representative of both WFWP USA and the International UN office in New York, under the leadership of Alexa Ward, who was also present.
As always, meetings with our International President turn out to be free flowing, free-spirited, honest, and energizing. We always enjoy being with Prof. Yeon Ah, because she herself emanates and demonstrates an open heart and spirit, which makes anyone in her presence feel immediately at ease. Needless to say, all ladies spoke freely from their hearts, sharing deep wisdom and insights; and as we listened to one another, we felt each unique contribution provided the brush strokes that together created a beautiful painting.
The highlight of the gathering was when President Yeon Ah shared her personal experiences with Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, her lifestyle, heart, and commitment that always amazes and inspires us. She highlighted and confirmed Mother Moon's ongoing concern and investment to educate the next generation and for the Elders to being role models of a parental heart through the leadership of the Logic of Love. The meeting ended in prayer and joyful fellowship!
Group photo