Group photo
Everyone wants peace, but no one knows how to achieve it. But for the last 11 years, since 2003, at the request of Father and Mother Moon, founders of WFWP, men and women have been traveling to Israel on a mission of peace to bring together the three Abrahamic faiths in prayer and reconciliation. On May 31, the Denver Chapter of WFWP invited people to convene to recognize and honor the courageous hearts of mothers and women of peace, WFWP members, who have traveled to Israel for the Middle East Peace Initiative during that time. Our last contingent of 129 participants from different countries completed a trip last month, from May 9-15. There were more women from Jordan who attended this last WFWP convention than in any other year to date.
Mrs. Shirley Chimes, Chairlady in Denver, welcomed the 32 guests to celebrate a belated Mother's Day. She explained the founding of WFWP by Father and Mother Moon and spoke about their various and continued efforts to bring peace in the world.
Mrs. Ella Heppell read the "Declaration for Women's Middle East Peace Initiative" (which is available through this link). At the time she traveled to Israel with her mother she was a young, single lady. Going to Israel was especially meaningful for her, as her mother is Israeli born. Ella has since married and has two beautiful children.
Rev. Dr. Nishikawa shares about some of her experiences in Israel
Pictures of the Middle East were shown. Rev. Dr. Linda Lucero Nishikawa came forward to tell the audience about her experiences on two different trips to that part of the world. The first time she went with a group of America's First People, members of United Native American Council and Native American Leadership Alliance. The people were deeply moved that they would come to Israel for peace.
She stayed there for 40 days and she told how she was designated a team leader and went all over Israel inviting people to the Peace Rally on December 22, 2003, that would be held in Independence Park. She said that anyone who was afraid for their lives would have had to leave. They drove in a little red Ford Focus through heavily patrolled areas, past soldiers with guns, checkpoints, and patrols. They went to Muslims, Jews, and Christians and asked them to come for peace.
Mrs. Catherine Ichinohe, former Chairlady of Colorado, also talked about her experiences of going door-to-door in Jerusalem. When she and her team visited the home of a Palestinian woman who had formed a women's group, they listened to her story.
Her home had been destroyed by the Israeli military. They shared pictures of each other's families and comforted each other very much. The shock of seeing her home destroyed and having the family Quran stomped on left her in great physical pain - especially her neck. Linda Triggol gave this Palestinian woman a neck massage. The Palestinian woman was so relieved and happy afterward.
Hearing such stories and testimonies to the mother's heart that was being sown deep within the soil of Israel and Palestine, the guests were flabbergasted to know the women of WFWP do such things.
A toast to "Become people of peace."
Everyone drank a toast to becoming people of peace – reminiscent of Father and Mother Moon who carry peace and tranquility in their hearts. It is this peace that is growing in individuals, couples, families, communities, nations and the world through the work of WFWP both here in the US and all over the world.
The song "Ave Maria," from Seiko Lee's CD, played and was dedicated to the ultimate Mother. Mrs. Catherine Ichinohe, Mrs. Laurette Heppell, and Mrs. Hisako Geschwind had prepared a delicious French meal and everyone enjoyed it immensely. During the meal, a young chiropractor committed to going to Haiti in 2015. He later said: "You guys do such cool stuff down here!"
The hilarious You-Tube presentation of "The Hardest Job in the World" was shown and Shirley announced she will be speaking on June 11 to the Denver United Nations Association Lunch Bunch. All former U.N. employees, they want to know what WFWP is doing at the United Nations, so she will go to let them know.
For the second time, Ms. Alicia Ponce offered Mary Kaye facials to anyone who wanted. She is a teacher, life coach, WFWP enthusiast and contributing writer on the WFWP website.
CO MEPI Cynthia Hiromitsu, Alicia Ponce next to table set up with Mary Kaye cosmetics for complimentary facials
Group photo
From left to right: CO MEPI Catherine Ichinohe, Shirley Chimes, Hisako Geschwind, Laurette Heppell
Catherine Ichinohe Speaking
Shirley Chimes & Caroline Fuehrer
Shirley offers a toast