Mrs. Moyna Hudgens with Hisako, Shirley, and Laurette
On March 30, Mrs. Moyna Hudgens, longtime peacemaker and WFWP member, celebrated her 90th birthday. WFWP Denver representatives brought her a gluten-free, chocolate and strawberry cake, flowers, a card, and words from Mother Moon's Plenary Address at the Universal Peace Federation's 2013 World Summit to celebrate her birthday with her. We felt it was important to honor her for her many years of working for peace.
Even before Mrs. Hudgens and her late husband Tom were married in 1945, they were both actively concerned about world peace. While raising four sons, they were highly involved with the United Nations Association in Denver. Mrs. Hudgens served as its president for many years.
She attended the early Bridge of Peace ceremonies, and was there at the same time that former First Lady Barbara Bush attended.
Mr. Hudgens was a pilot. He and his wife could never understand why countries are divided by boundaries, and they devoted their efforts to ending divisions. They became Ambassadors for Peace and surrounded themselves with like-minded people throughout their marriage.
Mrs. Hudgens has invited Denver Chapter WFWP Chairwoman Shirley Chimes to address her United Nations gathering and talk about WFWP's efforts for world peace. It will be an appropriate time to explain to her and her UN group about the vision of the International Peace Highway, a project of WFWP founders Reverend and Mrs. Moon.