The "Love Train" in Chicago
This event was sponsored by Love Train Ministries, founded by Evangelist Greta Myers recently in Chicago. Once a month on Tuesdays, meetings are held in Greta's home where she invites neighbors, community leaders, and groups to share thoughts on Love, Peace, and Harmony. On May 13, 2014 members of WFWP had an opportunity to "formally" introduce Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon to this group. Mrs. Sarah Maeda spoke on Mother Moon's contributions and testified about her own life experience with the True Family Church and WFWP and her work in Chicago.
Miss Fannie Smith "Bring back our girls!"
Minister Fannie Smith spoke on WFWP initiatives for the Schools of Africa Project and the great advances members of WFWP are making in Africa, fundraising events, and an update on the abducted school girls in Nigeria and the increase of human trafficking around the world. She also told the group about the Haiti Summer Service Project
At the end of the meeting, some items that had not been sold during the March National Women's event and Silent Auction were auctioned off to continue to raise funds for the WFWP Schools of Africa.
Each meeting of the Love Train is spirit-filled and purpose driven and, to top it off, wonderful food is served. The WFWP Chicago Chairwoman, Mrs. Patricia Fliginger, and I hope for a positive partnership with this ministry going forward.