Min. Fannie Smith on the air
Valerie, Serena and Andrea
On Wednesday, July 2, WFWP Chicago Chairwoman Patricia Fliginger and National Schools of Africa Fundraising Director Fannie Smith were invited to appear on the weekly podcast show "HER Story Revealed." Each week, Andrea Shadd (the show's producer) addresses the concerns of religious professional women and spotlights their activities in the Chicago area.
During this show, we responded to questions about WFWP. After introducing the organization's founders, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, we explained the mission and principles guiding the organization.
Patricia, Bishop Eugene Robinson and Fannie
We also announced the God's Hope for America Tour and invited those listening to attend a Prayer Breakfast to be held on July 26 at the Life Center Church of God in Christ. Under the guidance of Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr., the Life Center was the first Christian church in America that invited Dr. Hak Ja Han Mon to speak. During the tour, the next generation of leaders will be able to inherit and connect with that foundation. Following the breakfast, the assembled people will visit and pray together at a site in downtown Chicago that Rev. Moon designated and established as a prayer and a holy ground in 1965.
We received such a warm, loving reception from Ms. Shadd and her co-hosts Ms. Valerie and Ms. Serena! A link to the WFWP USA website ( was posted on their Facebook page—HERStoryRevealed—so that those interested could contact us to find out more about WFWP.