The assembly, attended by more than 1,200 people, marked only Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s third public appearance at a WFWP event, the first two having been at the inauguration and the tenth anniversary of WFWP.
More than 1,200 women welcomed WFWP Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at the 20th Anniversary National Assembly of the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in the M Resort Spa Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. See speech below.
The presence of Dr. Moon, affectionately known as "Mother Moon," is especially significant considering the recent passing of her husband, founder of the Unification Church Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, and the ongoing organizational restructuring within the church's administration in the United States. Furthermore, this assembly marked only Dr. Moon's third public appearance at a WFWP event, the first two having been at the inauguration and the tenth anniversary of WFWP.
"Today is the 20th anniversary of WFWP. Now it is the time for women to work at the forefront," Mother Moon said in her long-awaited keynote address. "With motherly love, women can make our dreams come true. And if you want to prove that we are true children, true sons and daughters of God that who have a clear goal, what do you need to do? You need to witness. Give Divine Principle lectures. For this reason, with this purpose, you need to live with life-or-death resolve, investing yourselves completely. If you want your family, your neighbors, your country and your world to become like that, then women should work at the [fore]front."
Messages of Congratulations from Officials
The morning event, which began at 10:00 a.m., included several statements of welcome from government officials, including Gov. Brian Sandoval of the State of Nevada; Katherine Duncan, the founder of the Las Vegas Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce; Sheila Jones, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives; and Gayle Anderson, the Chief of Diplomatic Relations /Protocol and Global Trade Representative for the Commission on Economic Development for the State of Nevada.
Gov. Brian Sandoval acknowledged the efforts of WFWP through a letter read on his behalf, part of which follows:
"I commend the Federation for working nationally and globally in maintaining service projects in over 40 countries in areas of educational- and foster-parent programs, vocational-training programs, aids-prevention education, hygienic instructions, nutritional guidance, youth-volunteer programs, and school construction and management. I commend the WFWP for its work towards making our world a better place. Thank you for celebrating your 20th anniversary in the state of Nevada. We are so very happy to have you in our state and hope you will enjoy your time with us."
Katherine Duncan, who the night before had participated in WFWP's Bridge of Peace Ceremony, said: "I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to welcome you, Dr. Moon and all of the accomplishments and contributions you've made in the United States and worldwide. As Father Moon has said, let us make Las Vegas a loving, thriving 'sunshine city' benefiting all people and families. We here at the Chamber of Commerce are going to make 'sin city' into 'soul city' by crossing that bridge of peace in order to make Father and Mother Moon proud.
"In the world today, humanity faces many adversities such as hunger, poverty and war," said Sheila Jones. "It seems that all you hear on the news or read about online is the desperation experienced throughout the hundreds of countries on this planet. But there is hope. Through hard work we can change the path that humanity takes from one of despair and struggle to one of prosperity and cooperation.
"Today I congratulate Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for helping humanity get on the right path. She has demonstrated that working with people of all ideologies, creeds, colors, ages, social classes and backgrounds is both necessary and possible. Her legacy of working across all lines is something that I strive to emulate in my work as a state representative. I am humbled and honored to know Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and thank you for giving us the right direction to follow."
Sun Jin Moon Reads Speech on Mother Moon's Behalf
Following the congratulatory remarks, a video featuring the accomplishments of WFWP settled the garrulous audience of 1,200 into a mood of humble appreciation. Dr. Lan Young Moon, president of WFWP International, then re-energized the crowd and roused all to their feet during her introduction of Mother Moon.
"Yesterday, Mother Moon completed the 40-day memorial ceremony for Father Moon's passing," said Dr. Moon. "She then rushed right over to the United States without taking any time for rest. Even in the midst of deep sorrow, I saw Mother Moon maintain her tranquility and encourage us, her followers, to march forward without stopping. Ladies and gentlemen, Mother Moon, the greatest and most beautiful role model for women in history, the true mother, true peacemaker, and true educator, is here with us. Let us give her a big round of applause and cheers!"
After Mother Moon was welcomed with a standing ovation, a multi-tiered cake was presented to her to cut with her daughter, Sun Jin Moon, as part of a well-known Unificationist tradition. Mother Moon then accepted two flower bouquets and a gift from Nandi Moton, WFWP chairwoman from the state of Georgia, and all offered a symbolic bow of respect to her and her late husband.
Unificationist-born youth Hiyomi Carty sang, "Mamma," an Italian favorite covered by Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli, and charmed attendees with her operatic vocal ability.
Sun Jin Moon, the fifth daughter and tenth child of Father and Mother Moon, took the podium to read Mother's Moon's speech with a voice that at times choked with emotion at the mention of her late father. The full transcript of the speech can be read here.
"The goal of WFWP was not to become another secular women's organization," said Sun Jin Moon on her mother's behalf. "It does not aim to be an external, political, or combative women's rights movement targeting the misdeeds of men. Nor does it exist just to advocate the expansion of women's rights, gender equality and the women's labor movement. Rather, it is a global peace movement on an entirely new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world that was God's vision at the time of creation.
"WFWP was inaugurated in an historic moment of providential significance, and has engaged in diverse activities over the past 20 years, geared to realizing the vision and ideals of pure love, happy families, and a peaceful world that transcends the barriers of race, religion, language, and national boundaries. This has been carried out in the spirit of Rev. Moon's founding message, which urged us to expand a model movement of true love to the whole world based on living for the sake of others."
A 50-minute video tribute followed, including segments featuring Rev. and Mrs. Moon at historic speeches, church celebrations and international meetings with leaders such as Kim Il Sung, intimate moments with children and grandchildren. This video brought forth ample tears for those who continue to hold him dear in their hearts.
"Women, Let's Work at the Front"
Finally, in what was the highlight of the event, Mother Moon delivered an assertive message of repentance and re-dedication to God. (Much of the speech's translation from Korean to English is included below, and a full transcription is pending.) She said:
"Father came to America and said, 'America has a disease so I came here as a doctor. America is caught up in fire, so I came here as a firefighter.' I feel like that was yesterday but it's already been 40 years. How much Father bled, sweated and shed tears. America and all its members should repent in front of God. This country represents Christianity and should have lived for the sake of others, but didn't complete its responsibility. How did America treat Father? It sent Father to Danbury [prison]. When is this country is going to repent for that? Right now America is on the edge of a cliff with its president election, between going with God's direction or falling. But the Unification church is in the same situation.
"What do you have to brag about? Money? Erudition? You need to clear your mind and repent. Appreciate your Mother. Appreciate God. If you live with appreciation, everything looks so beautiful and happy.
"Today is the 20th anniversary of WFWP. Now it is the time for women to work at the forefront. With motherly love, women can make our dreams come true. And if you want to prove that we are true children, true sons and daughters of God that have a clear goal, what do you need to do? You need to witness. Give Divine Principle lectures. For this reason, with this purpose, you need to live with life-or-death resolve, investing yourselves completely. If you want your family, your neighbors, your country and your world to become like that, then women should work at the [fore]front. Do you agree? [Applause]
"The world says, 'If there is a great man, there is a greater woman behind him.' [Applause] If you don't have a wife, then you can't be a complete man. Vice versa for women too. But I think women love peace more than men. Do you agree? [Applause] That's why women need to work at the front. [Applause]
"It's been 20 years since Father proclaimed an era of women. Now that era is an adult. After Father's Seonghwa, I emphasized two things. First is church revival. I have so many regrets. I wish that all 6.5 billion people knew Father as the True Parents when he was alive. Divine Principle is medicine – medicine for the 6.5 billion of humankind. Father was working on the world providence, so he put people in charge in every country. But they didn't fulfill their jobs. There is no country I can brag about.
"Second, we didn't educate our second-generation members as leaders. As a result, they did not witness. Therefore, I created a leadership institution at the Cheong Shim Graduate School of Theology that will be famous all around the world, which prepares people who graduated from college to teach the Divine Principle and to publicly witness for three years. Depending on their goals, they will then work in ministry or for another organization. It'll open next February. People from all countries can apply.
"Father had lots of plans when he was in Las Vegas. 'Sin city' was to become 'sun city.' I know there are lots of poor, teenaged women here, so I started programs through which we can educate them. So you in WFWP especially should work hard. There is no stopping for us. Only going forward. I think the more diligent people are women, as opposed to men. So, all women, let's work at the front. Who has hope that you will repent and restore everything for future generations? [Big applause]
"Thank you. I want to ask you one more time not to make God wait for you too long. Do you understand? I'll finish my speech now, but I brought Father here, and he wants to hear songs. [Applause] Who should sing? [Audience: "Mother!"] Okay, okay. I'll sing one song. I'll sing 'Ga Go Pa' ["I want to go"].'
Original Article Link: HSA-UWC News