60 Women leaders of North America and Latin America signed the Proclamation together with Rev. In Jin Moon, Founder's daughter and Prof. Lan Young Moon
San Jose, Costa Rica
January 21-22, 2010
Costa Rica, the "Rich Coast," was indeed the perfect setting for God to plant a seed of love, unity and co-operation between North, Central and South America with more than 500 people from Costa Rica and around the world attending the international conference "The Role of Women's Leadership in the 21st Century". And indeed, the entire weekend was very rich in spirit, warmth, love and joy, and the experience of family!
Our organizing team was surprised by and almost unprepared for the kind of response we received, especially from women leaders in Latin America, who poured in to the last moment.
Rev. In Jin Moon addressing the 500 women leaders in San Jose, Costa Rica
On the evening before the conference, the spirit was already very high, warm and embracing as 150 women leaders gathered in the Room of the Americas at the Herradura Hotel Conference Center to hear welcoming remarks and an introduction from International WFWP President Lan Young Moon and Rev. Angelika Selle, WFWP USA President, who was the organizer of the event. President Moon in a power point presentation spoke about the Founder of WFWP, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the depth and breath of WFWP International as it spans over 122 countries worldwide and has acquired an NGO level in General Consultative Status with the United Nations.
Rev. Selle then greeted everyone warmly and elaborated on activities of WFWP in the United States centering on the next generation of young women, practical guidance for each woman to make a difference on the local level.
We were very happy and pleased to also have with us Professor Yeon Ah Choi, Vice President of WFWP International, who addressed the plenary session the next day, and also Mrs. Keun Ryung Park, daughter of the former President of South Korea, Park Chung Hee.
Congress woman of Costa Rica Carmen Zuniga
Among the many VVIPs, who were acknowledged by name, we had a wonderful group coming from the United States, above all Mrs. Doro Koch Bush, the daughter of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush. She was our second keynote speaker, and came with her sister-in-law and assistant, Patricia Koch. Also among the U.S. entourage were the Honorable Ellen Sauerbrey, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Popluation, Refugees and Migration; Margaret Buhrmaster, former Director of the Office of Health Regulatory Reform of the State of New York; Ester Davis, Director of Community Relations and Communication for Media in Texas; Georgia state Senator Donzella James; and others. Representing Latin America (Central and South America together) were three former First Ladies -- Mrs. Estrella Zeledon Lizano de Carazo from Costa Rica, Mrs. Graciella Rompani de Pacheco from Uruguay, and Mrs. Elizabeth Calderon Sol from El Salvador -- and current First lady of Belize, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow.
First Lady of Belize, Kim Simplis Barrow
One purpose of the conference was to bring women of North America and Latin America together -- to get to know one another, learn from one another and understand the historic times we live in, in which women's unique leadership is desperately needed to make a smooth and successful transition for lasting peace. Another objective was to introduce In Jin Nim as Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's daughter and as an international woman leader in her own right, and to create relationships of heart among the women and her.
The program was designed to hear from women who had made a difference in their families, community, nation and world based on their unique gifts and talents as well as passion, faith and sheer desire to bring positive change. As one of the speakers said: "If you want to have something said, ask a man, and if you want to have something done, ask a woman!"
On the main day, after welcoming remarks and acknowledgments by Professor Moon and Rev. Selle, Rev. In Jin Moon gave a powerful, stirring, practical but also warm keynote address to the 500 women who had gathered in the La Paz (Peace) Room of the conference center. Her speech was entitled "Raising the Next Generation." She shared about her own principles as a woman leader, such as compassion and encouragement of others, and her concern about the next generation. She challenged the women to speak up and believe in themselves and in their dignity as women.
New sisters, Former First Lady of Elsalvador Pilar and Prof Lan Young Moon
After a brief break, Mrs. Doro Koch Bush shared her keynote address, entitled "Change Through Leadership." In it, she referred much to her parents -- how they sought to lead through example and how they were motivated by the principle of living for the sake of others. In Jin Nim then presented her with a "Woman of Distinction" award and commended her and her family for their outstanding service to the United States.
At the plenary session, Costa Rica Congresswoman Armen Maria Porras Zuniga spoke, as did Vice President of WFWP International Professor Yeon Ah Choi, who shared from the heart of the Founder of the Women's Federation, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
The afternoon proceeded with short but juicy and practical presentations by six women leaders regarding how they impacted others in their fields of expertise, from the media, to family values, to the next generation. Many lessons were shared and imparted to the audience. That ended the first part of the day. The second part, though different in nature, was just as important. It had a lot to do with dance, joy and celebration of womanhood and sisterhood.
Right after this session, Ariana and Marco (daughter of Rev. In Jin Moon and her dance partner) briefly invited the audience to join them in a ballroom dance lesson crash course to practice the waltz. The response was so overwhelming that not everyone could fit into the Room of the Americas to participate. Afterward, one of the participants told me that this was so refreshing and liberating for her and brought her so much closer to other women that she wouldn't have missed it for the world!
Round tables, each with a golden table cloth, were set up for the evening Gala, which opened with a typical Costa Rican dance performed by Carolina, a teacher in a local Costa Rican school for folklore dancing. The Master of Ceremonies was a young lady Keishu Green, who welcomed everyone warmly to the special Gala program.
Doro Bush-Koch receiving woman of distinction award
She called Rev. Angelika Selle to the podium, who conducted three ceremonies to seal the purpose of the conference. First, Rev. Selle invited up Rev. In Jin Moon and Professor Lan Young Moon to present the "Woman of Distinction" award to six women, acknowledging them for their substantial accomplishments as woman leaders in different areas of concern: media, family, health, women's rights, special-needs children, and moral values.
Then Rev. Selle introduced the Bridge of Peace, the signature project of WFWP, which started in Korea and Japan and since has brought together thousands of women of different "enemy" backgrounds. It has served to bring healing and mending to the pain between the countries, cultures or religions the women represent. On that night, Rev. Selle addressed the divide between North America and Latin America, noting the arrogance and resentment in the different perceptions of one another, and the pain and antipathy that needs to be healed. She said that when women go over the bridge, they can make the first step toward healing and a new beginning. Ten couples crossed the bridge, culminating with two young women, Ariana, daughter of In Jin Moon, and a young Costa Rican woman, who together represented the future generations of peace.
Finally, to seal what was deliberated during the conference, a proclamation was read by the Honorable Ellen Saurebrey, representing North America, and the former First Lady of Costa Rica, Estrella Zeledon Lizano de Carazo. Then Rev. In Jin Moon, together with the former First Lady, came onstage to sign the historic document, which will remain in Costa Rica.
Then it was time to celebrate with food, music, song and dance!
The Lovin' Life Band revved up the energy in the room with some of their electric pieces, moving the women to get up spontaneously onto the dance floor and express their joy, dancing together in groups, as individuals, and as couples. The highlight of the dance by far was the excellent professional solo dance performed by Ariana Moon and Marco, President of the Harvard University Ballroom Dance Club. Photos will describe it better than words. Then a most inspiring ballroom dance exhibition, choreographed by Ariana and performed by young STF members, touched the hearts of all. At the end, the young people went into the audience and invited others to dance. This went on until about midnight.
It was truly a celebration of life and a perfect ending of the conference!