Welcoming Hanmi Bowman
Mrs. Hanmi Bowman
Women’s Federation for World Peace USA is excited to announce that we are welcoming new leadership in the Southeast. Our organization operates under a structure of five regions that cover the entire country, and the regional coordinators play a key role in guiding and supporting the local chapters in their states.
The new Southeast Regional Coordinator is Mrs. Hanmi Bowman, who has graciously taken on this role in addition to being a mother of two young children.
She has a passion for including young families in her work and is very excited to be working with the local WFWP chairwomen and representatives in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
She will be taking over the position from Mrs. Osmarina Rush Starr of Virginia, who has been the regional coordinator from 2021 to 2023. Thank you Mrs. Rush-Starr for your guidance, commitment and heart in service to WFWP USA. We look forward to continually working together in a new capacity!