“Shine Africa: The power of Education”
WFWP USA is continuing its annual contributions to the Schools of Africa Project! “Shine Africa: The Power of Education” was the theme of this month’s national Schools of Africa fundraiser held virtually on August 7, 2022. Throughout the evening, participants heard the profound impact a quality education can have on a young person’s life, allowing them to shine bright, reach their dreams, and make their country proud.
The program opened with a greeting from two young women who co-emceed the evening, Ms. Sasha Okon and Ms. Eunmi Rangala, who also shared about their personal connections to Africa. They guided the program with enthusiasm as we shared about the schools and their impact, encouraged people to donate to this worthy project, and also shared a glimpse of the rich and vibrant cultures in Africa.
WFWP USA President, Mrs. Angelika Selle opened the event with her message, read by Vice President Katarina Connery. The message reflected on the heart behind this program and reminded the audience of the history of the founding of WFWP by Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in 1992. Mrs. Selle shared her gratitude to Japanese missionaries who set a foundation to serve the world; and in particular, those who were able to build these schools in eight African countries.
Miss Fannie Smith, National Coordinator of the Schools of Africa Project.
Followed by this incredible message, warm welcome greetings were given from Miss Fannie Smith, National Coordinator of Schools of Africa Project; in her greetings she expressed the vision and heart behind this project and how many people need our support; especially the children who are counting on us to give them a bright future. She continued by stating; “This program is also a way for WFWP USA to show to our hardworking founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon that her efforts have not gone in vain.” After Ms. Smith’s message, the program got an infusion of rhythm and music. There was a beautiful and invigorating African style drumming performance given by Father Bayo Adrien, an Cameroonian American, an ordained Catholic priest with Imani Temple African American Catholic Congregation, and who is also married to Mrs. Ayano Ishii Adrien, WFWP VA Representative.
Dr. Ewa Ikpi Ewa
Father Bayo’s performance was followed by a rousing message from Dr. Ewa Ikpi Ewa, who was most recently honored with the Rainbow Push “International Humanitarian Guard Award 2022." He is an international public policy expert and renowned for his tireless work and advocacy for communities and for the African diaspora. President Barack Obama, by executive order commissioned Dr Ewa Ewa as a "Goodwill Ambassador to African Communities” in 2008. Before giving his message, Dr Ewa first expressed his deepest gratitude for being able to join such an amazing program and stated that; “I pray and wish that this project can truly go beyond what it is currently doing because it is a project that increases and improves the livelihood of our children of Africa.''
Dr. Ewa centered his message on how many African politicians have in most instances diverted the resources of education to their own political well-being. As a result, education is no longer a very strong priority in most African countries. Dr. Ewa concluded his message by encouraging people to do their best to “donate to the Schools of Africa Project as it is one the projects that will lead many children in Africa to be educated.”
The program continued by welcoming WFWP Japan President, Mrs. Moriko Hori. WFWP Japan continues to directly take care of schools in Africa and Mrs. Hori and other WFWP Japan members and volunteers regularly visit the schools. Mrs. Hori sent a message that expressed her thanks to WFWP USA for the continuous support for Schools of Africa. President Hori concluded by voicing that “WFWP’s support has certainly produced positive results. Thousands of children have received quality education with free or very low tuition. Among them, many could get jobs, and some even study abroad.”
Some fun and exciting entertainment from talented young Kenyan woman and man brought inspiration and upliftment: a song from Ms. Zawadi Soowan Rangala and a performance on the saxophone by Mr. Taechan Tanui.
A major highlight of the evening was to hear directly from the students who are impacted and supported by the Schools of Africa Project. We heard three heartfelt testimonies from students studying at the Sun of Mozambique Secondary School founded in 1995. The testimonies truly showed proof of the incredible work this project has been doing and how even the smallest donations one gives to this project can make such a big impact on these students' lives.
An exciting auction was then held where viewers were able to purchase the auctioning items which were donated by President Agelika Selle and National Coordinator of Schools of Africa, Ms Fannie Smith, beautiful items from several African countries as well as a Japanese doll. Towards the end of the program, $3,700 was raised for the Schools of Africa Project and donations are continuing to come in. The virtual event ended with an exciting raffle and some viewers were able to win $50 gift cards, which were donated by a generous donor.
We deeply thank all of those who contributed so far and WFWP is continuing to raise funds for these schools and the young women and men it impacts. If you would like to give a donation or watch the exciting program, please click here. As participants experienced throughout the program, African countries each have a rich history and culture, there is so much more to learn, and a quality education in which students are allowed to pursue their passions, expand their minds and hearts, and grow under the guidance of committed teachers, is key for securing a hopeful future for the students and for Africa. Let’s continue to help Africa shine through the power of education!