Energy Self-Care
“Energy is everything and that’s all there is to it” —Albert Einstein
Recently, the coaches* that make up the planning team for the Self-Care Isn’t Selfish series were discussing what is a good definition of self-care. Wikipedia says, “Self-care has been defined as the process of taking care of oneself with behaviors that promote health and active management of illness when it occurs. Individuals engage in some form of self-care daily with food choices, exercise, sleep, and dental care.”
Additionally, we felt it was important to include that those that take care of themselves have the energy to take care of others joyfully because that caregiving doesn’t come at their own expense. And those who take care of themselves also have the energy to work with meaning and purpose toward a worthy goal. This means they are also the people most likely to make the world a better place for all of us.
Miyuki Pollman presenting on the founder of Eden’s Energy Medicine
For our monthly series, we have the goal to connect our experience and skills as coaches with the vision and mission of WFWP. We believe that our work directly compliments the mission: Empowering women with knowledge, skills and a supportive community to discover their unique value and bring lasting peace.
February 12, 2022 we had the privilege of having Miyuki Pollman as our guest presenter. Miyuki is a member of the WFWP Oregon and has been a regular presenter at their annual Peace and Justice Conferences. She is a certified clinical practitioner and an instructor of Eden Energy Medicine, and a practitioner of Bodytalk (balancing the energy of the body’s consciousness) and Flower Essence therapy.
The past few years, Miyuki has been teaching Energy Self-Care through zoom classes, teaching routine exercises. She says, “I use these modalities to balance physical, emotional and mental energy. That helps to balance the whole body. It is a lot of fun to exercise together and feel balanced and energized after each class. I also advise people with individual needs and challenges.”
After explaining about her own background, training and experience with Energy Self-Care, Miyuki told us that we can learn to calm stress and anxiety within ourselves. If we balance our energy, the blood and other body systems can follow. Learning to balance our energy nurtures and heals the whole body.
Next, she defined energy. Using Einstein’s definition—energy is everything and that’s all there is to it.—she helped us understand that energy moves and needs space in order to move. She said, “Balancing energy means simply making space for the energy to move. Energy needs to move, connect and cross the whole body. Using our hands to touch, tap and massage, we can help to move stuck energy and make space for it to flow.”
Miyuki also educated us on the difference between challenge stress and threat stress. Challenge stress takes place when we play sports, walk and exercise. Threat stress happens when we worry, experience a shock or feel overwhelmed at work. Stress itself isn’t harmful but when it becomes chronic, it can cause physical problems like chronic headaches, digestive issues and auto-immune diseases.
Energy exercises can help us to break the patterns of chronic stress and be able to relax and experience healing. She taught us that our body responds positively to touch, tap and massage on the energy spots and fields. “It’s amazing that our body is electric, our hands have electromagnetic fields. We can use our hands as tools whenever and wherever we want.”
After explaining energy healing, Miyuki demonstrated and then led us through a series of simple exercises. She recommends a daily energy routine of the following exercises:
Miyuki demonstrating the “Hook Up” exercise
· 4 Thumps
· Crossover Shoulder Pull
· Cross Crawl
· Neuro-lymphatic massage
· Connecting Heaven & Earth
· Zip Up
· Hook Up
All those who participated were amazed at how much more connected and relaxed they felt at the end of the session. If you would like to watch the recording, it is here: You can find out more about what Miyuki Pollmanclasses at
The next in the series “Self-Care Isn’t Selfish” is on March 12, 1-2:30 pm PST. The presenter will be Donna Avey. Join us to discuss and discover “How Are Support Groups A Part of My Self-Care Strategy?”
Register here:
*Members of our organizing group serve as MC’s and presenters. We are also coaches. If you would like to contact any of us, here is our information.
Donna Avey--Family Coach and Community Resources Specialist, Phone/text 907-301-4421
Liisa Freystaetter--Parent Possibility Coach, Text: 754-234-4479
RoseAnn Kennett—Emotional Freedom Technique and Personal/Relationship Coaching,
Myrna Lapres, Family & Relationship Coach,