"Don’t ever give up on your dreams!"
Aimmee Kodachian
Editor’s Note: This article was contributed by Aimmee Kodachian, author, speaker, founder and host of EmpoweringHumanityTV.com, a Global Friend of WFWP USA.
There is a story and a dream within each one of us. Our stories are filled with life lessons, insights and deep wisdom. I had the privilege to dictate my life story into a book called "Tears of Hope," where I share the harsh journey of living 13 years through the Lebanese Civil War and recount the many challenges and obstacles I faced. Deep in my heart, I knew that by sharing my story, I could help others see their life from a different perspective. My dream was to give people hope and tell them that they are not alone. It was not an easy decision to share my story with the world. However, my urge and dream of helping people were powerful. In 2006, I found the courage to publish "Tears of Hope."
The biggest lesson I learned throughout my journey is that there are no coincidences in life. God has His plan; He knows exactly when we are ready to live our dreams and our true purpose. He will send us the right people who either teach us lessons or support us on our journey. Everything happens in His time, which is totally different from our own time. Many of us lose patience and give up on our dreams right before it is going to happen.
In 2018, I was invited to a film festival in Hollywood, where I met Eric P Granger. I had no idea who Eric was at the time. Later I discovered that he was an award-winning screenwriter with “Best Screenplay Awards” for seven different scripts that reflect his diversity and storytelling prowess. His screenplays have been awarded in Spain, Russia, London, Mexico, Canada, and many festivals throughout the USA, including several in L.A. and Hollywood, as well as the Cannes Film Festival in France. His latest screenplays include a story about the struggle of human trafficking and the life story of B. B. King. As a songwriter, Eric has written a full-length stage musical and has received two “Grand Prizes” in Nashville for his lyrics.
As I mentioned before, I had no idea who Eric was when we first met. We both happened to be walking the red carpet to take a photo. The line was long, and Eric and I were standing next to each other. When I learned that Eric was a screenwriter, I called out to my husband to grab me the last book I had from the car to give to Eric. At that event, there were other screenwriters whom I had already given my book to. However, I felt something different about Eric's aura. He took my book, looked at it and told me, “Well, now I will have something to read on my way to New York.” But I didn't feel much interest in my book from him. The line started to move fast, so we didn't have time to exchange phone numbers.
Three weeks later, I heard from one of the other screenwriters. I must say that I felt good knowing that someone with good credibility was interested in my book. But after we talked, I felt that my message was not going to come through the way I envisioned it. Well, I decided not to rush and make a decision that I would regret later on. I told myself I must wait until the right screenwriter shows up in my life who can help me deliver not just my story, but my message.
In December 2019, 13 years after I first published my book, I received a private Facebook message from Eric. "Hello, Aimmee. I read your book. Fascinating..." We exchanged phone numbers and that was the beginning of the screenwriting journey. Later, Eric told me that he had been looking for me for a while. I knew when I met Eric, I had felt something different about his aura. Sure enough, he was the right person who was meant to turn my book into a screenplay.
Best of all, Eric believed in my message in a way I could have never imagined. He not only wanted to write the script, but also wanted to get involved in the film and be a co-producer. In the meantime, I got my rights back from my publisher, so I decided to change the book cover and share how I am making a difference through my TV show Empowering Humanity and online programs. But I never expected that I would share the biggest secret I held for over 50 years in my new book release.
After countless questions and hours of online meetings with Eric, I wasn't sure if he was willing to go back in and add the new information to the script. He did not hesitate. He told me, "Your story is going to help many people around the world. You must add it to the script, Aimmee.” I was so impressed with his gentle approach. We went back and worked on re-editing the synopsis and script. He shared with me a couple of names for the film and we both agreed on “Light from the Shadows.” Now we had everything ready to move forward with the production plan.
I had no doubt that the right people for the production would show up at the right time. Eric was already taking action and reaching out to his networks in the film industry and I reached out to my friends who I believe want to make a difference in the world.
One of the people I reached out to is my dear friend Audra Hajj, the CEO of the "Angel Investors Network", and her amazing husband, Jamie Bunten. We had a fantastic lunch meeting. They are absolutely a powerhouse couple who are determined to make a difference in people's lives and make an impact in the world. It is very important for me to work with people who understand and believe in the message of this film, not just anyone. I love their positive and uplifting energy. It is a blessing to have them in my life.
On October 13, 2020, Eric flew from New York to Las Vegas, where Judi Moreo, a very dear friend of mine, invited us to be a guest on her TV show "Life Choices", aired on Roku. Judi is an amazing author of 11+ books, an internationally known speaker, TV host, and career coach. I have known Judi since 2007. We have so much in common. We support each other and the people around us. She is truly an inspiration to so many. Straight from the studio, my amazing husband Tom, Eric, Judi, and I went to an Armenian restaurant, where we had delicious food and a great conversation on how we can make a difference in the world.
The next day it was my turn to interview Eric on my TV show, where we talked about our journey of meeting and writing the script. It touched my soul when Eric shared his thoughts and feelings about the “Light from the Shadows” motion picture in the interview. It was another fantastic day!
Between interviews, our schedule was filled with meetings. But I wanted to make sure to introduce Eric to the WFWP Las Vegas local chapter. Chairwoman Sera Hirano, Senior Advisor Mary Hida, and member Marja Davis met us at the beautiful and peaceful IPEC (International Peace Education Center) building, where we had a delicious lunch and an amazing discussion. Eric learned more about the WFWP mission and the November online rally of hope. We had an amazing and productive meeting. The three days Eric was in town were filled with synergy and lifted spirits!
I have lived 13 years through the war, and it took me 13 years of hard work and persistence to reach my ultimate dream and live my true purpose of Empowering Humanity and uplift the consciousness in the world through the message of love, forgiveness, hope and peace. One thing I know for sure and that is that it did not happen in my own time; it happened in God's time. He knows when you are ready.
Don't ever give up on your dreams no matter what happens. Keep going and take action every day. The best thing you can ever do for yourself is to trust, have faith and keep your hope alive. Because hope is... H~ having O~ open P~ possibilities E~ every day ~
To learn more about the new addition of "Tears of Hope" and the" Light from the Shadows" film, please visit: EmpoweringHumanityTV.com